¶MSBuild 和 Nuget package metadata Project常用属性变量记录
Property Name | Description |
Configuration | The configuration that you are building, either “Debug” or “Release.” |
OutputPath | Specifies the path to the output directory, relative to the project directory, for example, “bin\Debug”. |
OutputType | Specifies the file format of the output file. This parameter can have one of the following values: Library | Exe |
¶Nuget Package Metadata
Property Name | Description |
IsPackable | A Boolean value that specifies whether the project can be packed. The default value is true. |
Version | Specifies the version that the resulting package will have. |
Authors | A semicolon-separated(;) list of packages authors, matching the profile names on nuget.org. |
Company | A company name. |
Product | A product name or info. |
PackageDescription | A long description of the package for UI display. |
Description | A long description for the assembly. If PackageDescription is not specified then this property is also used as the description of the package. |
Copyright | Copyright details for the package. |
PackageIconUrl | A URL for a 64x64 image with transparent background to use as the icon for the package in UI display. |
PackageTags | A semicolon-delimited(;) list of tags that designates the package. |
PackageOutputPath | Determines the output path in which the packed package will be dropped. Default is $(OutputPath). |
RepositoryUrl | Specifies the URL for the repository where the source code for the package resides and/or from which it’s being built. |
RepositoryType | Specifies the type of the repository. Default is “git”. |
GeneratePackageOnBuild | To automatically run dotnet pack when you run dotnet build |